Written By: AC Price, ACAOF Culinary Health & Wellness Coach/CEO
December 22, 2022
It's finally here! That time of year where the temperature drops, but unfortunately for some of us, not the pounds.
With holiday gatherings among family and friends, office parties, and fast-food-quick-bites while you shop, gobbling goodies is at an all time high, as well as the chances of health emergencies. Statistically the December holiday season holds the highest risk of heart attacks due to not only our 'festive' eating habits, but also colder weather has the tendency to tighten the arteries and restrict blood flow. So be sure to dress warm for the weather you're in and get plenty of rest, and stock up on your heart-healthy Abstract Spice seasonings!
In addition, these 10 Holiday Health Tips will help navigate you through the chips and dip as well as the big guy's cookie platter!
Use this guide to still indulge in the festive feasting, while bringing mindful attention to responsible consumption.
Stay hydrated- for every indulgence, drink 8 oz. of water
Take several moments daily to be still and breathe.
Indulge in 'nibbles' instead of whole portions.
Focus on LOVE and positivity- BLOCK worry and negativity (protect your energy)!
Insert a 'green' at every meal. (green vegetable)
Watch your favorite holiday movie- uninterrupted.
Replace all white sugar with natural cane sugar when baking.
Laugh out loud at least 2 times daily.
Take 1000mg of Vitamin C every day.
Replace butter with a plant based option.
*BONUS: MASK UP if you need to!
Fortune Well. Alexa Mikhail, December 16, 2022