I simply cannot allow Kroger to go and have a beautiful sale on corn (3/$.99) and not take advantage. Grandmommie’s Fried Corn is always my #1 go-to, but with the weather getting warmer a nice cool salad minus the cast iron skillet seems a more refreshing option. This recipe is so super simple and super fresh. You just can’t beat the natural sweet crisp snap of biting into fresh corn! Now as usual, I completely made this up based on what I had a taste for as well as to fit my new pescetarian lifestyle (so throw some grilled shrimp in here if you ‘d like to make it a main dish 🙂 ).
Here’s what I did:
– 8 ears of fresh still-in-the-husk corn (shucked in a bowl)
– 1 pkg thawed chopped spinach
– 6-8 oz. crumbled feta
– 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
– 1 tbsp. garlic powder
– 1 tbsp. onion powder
– 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
– kosher salt/pepper to taste
Simply take all the ingredients above and mix/toss them together in the shucked corn bowl and enjoy!
*To add some smokiness, try throwing the corn cobb on the grill, cool, and then shuck for a delicious grilled taste.
Make it a Great Tasting Day!