Happy Friday to all!
I’m seemingly always looking for new and out-of-the-box ways of preparing standard culinary favs. The American classic cheese burger & fries, my dear friends, is not off-limits!
Here’s my gourmet approach to ‘outside’ thinking on a classic weekend combination Enjoy!

Here’s what you need for two (2) servings:
-2 hot of the grill/pan self-prepared burger patties (ground turkey, chuck/sirloin, lamb, etc.).
-2 slices of grilled wheat French bread per serving (yes, it’s open-faced!).
*to grill bread- spray both sides with butter flavored cooking spray and grill or pan griddle until edges are toasty. You can also toast the bread in the oven.
– 1 cup mushrooms, sliced.
– 1/2 medium-sized onion, sliced.
– Dijamayo (mix one part dijon mustard with 2 parts real mayo).
– 1 tbsp of real or vegan butter.
– No-stick cooking spray.
– Bottle of red wine- preferably Merlot.
– Feta cheese crumbles (shown in pic above) or your favorite burger side.
– 1 bag of Snapea Crisps (found at my favorite store Trader Joe’s or at your local Kroger/Publix grocers).
Here’s what you do:
(Pre-heat oven to BROIL)
1- Prepare Dijamayo, set aside
2- In a pan on medium-high heat, spray with cooking spray and melt butter until sizzling. Add in onions & mushrooms.
3- When onions become translucent, add 1/4 cup red wine, 1 tsp salt/pepper. Turn heat down to medium allowing wine to reduce and mushroom/onion mixture to become caramelized (this should take between 10-12 minutes). Mixture will be thick in consistency and burgundy in color. Remove from heat.
4- Toast 1 slice of bread per serving.
5- Spread Dijamayo on toasted bread.
6- Layer burger patty, caramelized mushrooms/onion mix, and crumbled feta.
7- Place completed burger under broiler for approximately 1 minute- CHECKING every 15 seconds for browning of feta.
8- Remove completed burger from broiler and plate. Drizzle w/ olive oil.
9- Grab a handful of Snapea Crisps (or your favorite burger side) and plate.
10- Find a good spot on the couch in front of the tube and dig in! (Fork and knife are optional 🙂 )
Make it a Great Burger&Fries Tasting Day!